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how can i make a 3 color or more column

by Anna

Balloon Column with 3 or More Colors | Pin for Later or Share!

Balloon Column with 3 or More Colors | Pin for Later or Share!

I like the 2 color columns but how can i make a more colored column?


Hello Anna,

Good to hear that you like our 2 color spiral balloon column.

To create a column with 3 colors and the spiraling effect, you would replace one balloon in the 4 balloon cluster with a different color.

For example, you would combine a duplet of two white balloons and a duplet with one red and one blue balloon into a 4 balloon cluster.

Then you keep rotating each subsequent cluster as explained for our 2 color spiral column.

Watch the video below. It shows the process nicely. She creates the balloon pillar using ribbon instead of a balloon stand.

Tip: To get a professional looking balloon tower, use a balloon sizer to ensure that all balloons are the same size.

To have a 4 color column, you would use 4 different colored balloons in each cluster.

You can even go up to 5 or 6 colors for a balloon column, as I've explained in my answer to a similar question.

If you like my answer, please save it for later and/or share with your friends. There's a little heart and a share icon in the bottom right corner of the page.

Thank you and take care,


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by: Anonymous

I got some dvds from
Check with them. You will gona get a lot of help with the dvds..

by: Anna

Oh yes that helps a lot! Thanks Margit for the explanations and the video.

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