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How to Arrange Large Lettered Balloons

by Karen Daley
(Miami, FL)

I am an event planner not a balloon expert. To save money for my client, we have decided to do our own balloon decorations.

We ordered large 40" lettered balloons to display behind the head table at a sweet 16 party. However, we do not know how to make them appear to be 'suspended' like the talented balloon decorators.

We will be using a helium tank to inflate these balloons but would like to know if they will hold if we put them on a string and attach them to a heavy weight?

Could you help us?

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.

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How to arrange Balloon Letters
by: Margit

Hi Karen,

There are several ways how you could arrange the balloon letters behind the table:

  • Suspend them from the ceiling: for this method, you would not even need to fill them with helium, but you'd have to find a way to attach the fishing line to the ceiling. Many balloon decorators use 3M removable hooks or tape to do this. As the fishing line is almost invisible from the distance, the letters would look like hanging in mid air.

  • Attach them to a fishing line that spans between two heavy weights, similar to a String-of-Pearls arch.

  • Attach each balloon letter with a string or fishing line to a balloon weight on the floor. You can either buy ready made weights or make them yourself, following our instructions for a sand filled table base. This type of base would be heavy enough to keep your balloon letters in place.

You can see examples for each method on my How to Arrange Balloon Letters page.

Good luck with your event. And as always, we would love to see a photo of your balloon decoration (it does not have to be from a wedding, pictures from Sweet 16 parties or other events are welcome too).


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