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How do you make a star shape balloon arch?

I would like to know the dimensions to making an arch in shape of a star. A walk through arch. But I'm not sure of the sizes or the materials.

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Reply to Liz: "Not a walkthru star"
by: Margit

Hello Liz,

Thanks for letting us know about your poor experiences with the star shaped balloon arch frame.

I agree that it's quite difficult to find a ready made star arch frame that is sturdy enough so that you can use it as a walk-through arch.

One of the companies that sold a star arch seems to have gone out of business, due to the Covid-19 pandemic (

Other frames I have seen offered by various online shops got bad customer reviews, describing just what you said, that the arch wasn't usable as standalone, walk-through design.

I guess you could have one custom made at a hardware store. Problem is that it might be too expensive.

Not a walkthru star
by: Liz R

Purchased a star arch from a company, used it a couple of times. When I did use it we placed it against a wall or backdrop.

Finally client wanted it as a walkthru arch, we had so much trouble with it, because it would not stand on it's own. We finally attached some good magnets from the ceiling.

It was a nightmare, I will never do that again, I tossed it.

Reply to Melt52 "Fixtures"
by: Margit

Hi there!

Sorry to hear about your troubles with the balloon arch frame.

It's difficult to say which fixtures you need without seeing the actual frame.

I would suggest that you take one of the frame pieces with you and go to a hardware store. Ask them if they have fitting fixtures or if not, if they have an idea how to attach the pieces to each other.

by: Melt52

Purchased a frame from a company. It arrived but with the wrong fixtures. Have emailed the company and raised a dispute with PayPal.

What I need to know is there anywhere I could just get the fixtures from to put the frame together?

Many thanks

Base for Star Balloon Arch
by: Margit

You could either buy ready made bases at specialist balloons suppliers or make the base yourself, similar to the base for balloon columns.

star arch
by: Anonymous

what do you use for the base of the arch

Length of the rod
by: Margit

To find out how long the rod has to be, you need to draw a sketch of the star arch, according to the size you want it to be.

You can either draw it in real size (for example on your drive way), or a proportionately smaller one on a piece of paper.

Then take the measures from your sketch, and you'll know how long the rod needs to be.

Star Arch
by: Anonymous

How long does the rod have to be?

Walk Through Arch
by: Margit

For a self-supporting walk through arch you will need at least 1/2" aluminium rod for the frame. If the frame has to be extra sturdy (e.g. for outdoor arches), I would even recommend using 1/2" conduit. It's more difficult to work with, but it will give your arch the sturdyness it needs.

Please also see my comments on how to make the frame for a star or heart shaped arch.

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