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Do you NEED helium to inflate a mylar balloon?

by Mary
(Honolulu, HI)

I would like to add small mylar balloons to some premade centerpieces that I have purchased. Do I need helium to inflate them? I do not need them to float.


Hi Mary!

There's no need to inflate your mylar balloons with helium if you don't need them to float.

Like Rita said in a comment below, it would be a waste of (the rather expensive) helium gas.

She's also correct in saying that small mylar balloons (10 inch or smaller) won't even float when you fill them with helium. The reason is that they can't hold enough helium to lift them up and keep them afloat.

Good luck with creating your balloon centerpieces.


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Pool NEW
by: Anonymous

Can I put Mylar balloons in the pool it’s for a party and I was wondering if they can be put in the pool

No you don't need helium
by: Rita

The small mylars wont'fly so you don't use helium in them. that would be a waste of helium I think.
You can buy them pre-inflated or you can inflate them yourself. Use a small straw and insert into the balloon a little way and blow into the straw and blow up the balloon. Hold the end and then use a heat sealer or an iron to seal the balloon. good luck!

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