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What kind of weights to anchor helium balloons in a pool

by Julie

Keep your Pool Party Afloat with these Creative Balloon Weight Ideas

Keep your Pool Party Afloat with these Creative Balloon Weight Ideas

What kind of balloon anchors could I use for helium balloons in a pool?


Hi Julie,

I am guessing you want the balloons moving around the pool, right? Then you should use a weight that's light enough to float, and heavy enough to keep the balloon down.

(Lifting capacity of a helium balloon depends on its size and shape. Here's a handy helium balloon chart).

In the images I uploaded two types of pool balloon weights are being used: one is a metal (or plastic) disc; the other seems to be some flat rectangle plastic box or a piece of foam.

Diving rings could be an easy option, like another reader suggested in the comments.

You could also use small plastic bottles filled with water to weigh down your pool balloons.

Don't use sand, marbles or rocks in your balloon weights. These items can damage the pools filtration system if one happens to break.

Good luck! Would love to see a photo of the floating balloons in your pool.

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Reply to Peter Petrov
by: Margit

Hello Peter!

Thanks so much for sharing your experience and tips about how to weigh down balloons in a pool.

Your advice is super helpful. I wouldn't have thought of using something as heavy as concrete bricks or blocks as weights.

The idea of using fishing line to keep the balloons in place is great, too.

You're of course right that it gets messy with lighter weights on a windy day.

Thanks again for sharing!

wind and .......
by: Peter Petrov

Hi everyone!
I'm Peter from Bulgaria and the experiences, we have with the weights in a pool are...... go to church and pray for no wind.....if it is windy....., you are in trouble .....hi hi...

Anyway....we use in Bulgaria concrete bricks/blocks/, covered with nonwoven textile in matching color and this works well!

BUT to secure your decoration in place, make a net of fishing line across the pool and anker the balloons + weights on the positions you want them!

THIS IS THE BEST SOLUTION. It takes additional labor, but is secure!!!!

That's all and I hope, that is helpful. :-)

Diving rings
by: Anonymous

I’d use diving rings, they’re already weighted and for pool use.

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