Can I Use The Same Electric Air Pump?

by Vanessa Jackson
(Columbus, GA)

Can you use the same electric pump for balloons? Share the answer or pin for later!

Can you use the same electric pump for balloons? Share the answer or pin for later!

I was just wondering if I can use the electric pump that I use to blow up my grandson's pool, to blow up balloons? I want to build a balloon arch, so I don't need the balloons to be helium.

Can you use an air mattress pump for balloons? Here's my answer:

Hi Vanessa,

My first thought was that it should work, as long as you can slip the balloon neck over the pump nozzle without damaging the balloon and as long as you can easily control the air flow (so that the balloon doesn't explode).

However, I did some more research and discovered that — while some articles advise the use of air pumps — the Amazon product pages state that these pumps are not suitable for balloons.

Check out for example this air mattress pump. It comes with nozzles in three sizes, so the balloon neck would certainly slip over the smallest one.

Scroll down the page and you'll see this note:

"Attention: This air pump is not compatible with high pressure products, such as balloons, basketball, needle valves nor stem valves."

The reference to "high pressure" provides us the explanation why regular air pumps don't work with balloons: A balloon requires higher pressure and has greater elastic resistance than an air mattress, floaty or swim ring.

Just think about how difficult it is to blow up a latex balloon by mouth. There's this moment where you need to blow with all your might to overcome the balloon's resistance and it finally starts expanding.

Thanks also to the two readers who confirmed that using an air mattress pump doesn't work for blowing up balloons.

I've seen certain pumps that are suitable for inflating air mattresses, floaties, swim rings AND balloons, like this Multifunction Portable Balloon Inflator.

My Advice

If blowing up latex balloons is a once off situation, use a good quality hand held double action balloon pump.

If you plan to do air filled balloon decorations more often, consider getting an electric balloon pump.

This ID IDAODAN Portable Dual Nozzle Electric Balloon Blower has almost 40,000 reviews on Amazon with an overall rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Clearly people love using it for blowing up their balloons.

I hope that helps Vanessa. Good luck with your balloon arch!


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Won't Work!
by: Anonymous

I tried this myself. Unfortunately it doesn't work. Don't think there is enough air pressure to expand the latex balloon.

Ive tried it
by: Anonymous

No is the answer.. i have tried it and balloons wont inflate using electric air pump for bed..

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