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Writing on foil balloons!

by Carla
(Wenhaston, Suffolk, England)

How To Write on Foil Balloons

How To Write on Foil Balloons

Help please! I would like to know how to write on foil balloons! I have bought a glue pen from Qualatex and some crafting powder but whenever I write on the balloon, the glue slides and separates!

How do I write on balloons and make it look good like the professionals do?

ANSWER: How to Write on Foil Balloons

First thing to know is: it takes a lot of practice to make writing on foil balloons look professional, so don't be too hard on yourself.

Here are my top tips for writing on foil balloons:
  • Use permanent, acid free markers or paint pens that are not water soluble. Good choices are POSCA Paint Markers, Sharpie, Uchida DecoColor or Pen-Touch Calligrapher. Clicking the links will take you to these markers on Amazon (and I will get a small commission if you buy them there). You can also find them at arts and crafts stores or even WalMart.

  • Prime your pens following the instructions. Make sure all sides of the tip are moistened with each color you plan to use. Don't forget to check the drying time for the paint pens.

  • Use tape to hold the balloon securely to a clean, stable surface. This will help prevent smudging.

  • Be mindful of your hand placement. Try to avoid dragging your hand across fresh markings. The general advice is to draw from right to left if you're right-handed, and left to right if you're left-handed.

  • Learn about different techniques for writing on balloons. Qualatex lists three techniques on their page about personalizing bubble balloons by hand: Tracing, faux calligraphy and calligraphy.

  • While you can write on an uninflated balloon (tracing even requires it), writing on a fully inflated balloon has the advantage that the ink or paint will keep its vibrant colors.

Looking for an alternative to writing on mylar balloons? Use custom cut vinyl letters or stickers.

Applying the vinyl stickers or letters works both on inflated and uninflated balloons. Watch the two videos below and then decide which technique you prefer.

Check out these related topics:

What do I use to write on latex balloons?

How to personalize bubble balloons with Vinyl

Why won't my vinyl stay flat stuck to my balloon?

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writting on foil balloons
by: kay

hiya i use a Posca Pen Medium Tip - you can get all sorts of colours :) look on ebay

Writing on Foil Balloons in Glitter
by: Anonymous

Use a Zig glue pen they come in different sizes. They go on blue and dry clear. I write my message then springle on the craft glitter (I use extra fine polyester glitter). The writing can withstand a lot of knocks and bumps without glitter falling off everywhere.

writing on foil balloons
by: Anonymous

HI there...
Qualatex has markers that you can write on foil balloons

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