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What Are the Best Balloons for Archs?

Best Balloons for Arches & Garlands: Share or Pin for Later!

Best Balloons for Arches & Garlands: Share or Pin for Later!

I am trying to make my own balloon arch. I was just wondering which are the best brands or types of balloons so that the arch lasts and there is no constant balloon popping.

Thanks in advance.


Hi there,

By far the most well known and best brand of latex balloons to use for arches and balloon garlands is QUALATEX. They have a huge range of sizes and colors, and a wide net of distributors.

You can

Other good brands are "Tuftex" (U.S.), "Premier" (Australia), Sempertex (Colombia) and Gemar (Italy).

You could also add foil balloons to your arch. The most well known manufacturer and distributor of foil (or mylar) balloons is Anagram International. Anagram is a division of Amscan, Inc., one of the largest manufacturers of party related items in the United States.

Special tip: You may want to try balloon brands sold on Amazon, especially if there's a balloon shortage, and you can't find the balloons in your preferred color scheme or sizes.

These shops/brands are known for selling high quality balloons:*
(*The links are my Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase through them, I will get a small commission at no extra cost to you.)

BALONAR 12 inch metallic chrome
Made our of premium latex material, these chrome balloons are available in gold, rose gold and rose red. People who bought them said they were shiny, with a proper metallic finish, and easy to inflate.

PUKAVT 12 inch metallic silver
Manufactured by HakunaMatata (reminds me of one of my favorite movies!), these metallic balloons claim to be 20% thicker than normal latex balloons. They should hold up very well both indoors and outdoors.

GUASSLEE 18 inch latex balloons
These good quality larger balloons are available in 6 solid colors (black, white, blue, red, pink, gold) and in clear. Great if you need balloons for 4th of July balloon decorations!

ZOOYOO 5 inch latex balloons
These shiny small balloons are available in bright yellow, red, green, black and white. Ideal for creating balloon mosaics and organic garlands and arches.

PREXTEX 12 inch assorted colors
Need a lot of balloons for your next party decoration? Then this 600 pack of 12 inch balloons in rainbow colors could be a good choice. I've heard that they hold up quite well even when used outdoors.

Just be aware that in general it's better to use lighter colors for outdoor balloon decor (darker colors absorb more heat, so they are more prone to pop).

BCARICH 5 inch assorted pastel colors
Good quality 5 inch balloons at a really good price. If you're planning a baby shower, unicorn themed kids birthday party or in general love pastel colors, this 200 pack is a great choice.

PARTYWOO 12 inch purple and white
This set comes with 100 high quality latex balloons in white, lavender, light purple and dark purple. With this elegant color combinations you can decorate any special occasion, from bridal showers to birthday parties to corporate events.

Hope that helps! Good luck with creating your balloon arch.


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Reply to: Gemar must be there
by: Margit

Hi there!

Thanks very much for letting us know about this Italian balloon brand.

I am adding Gemar to my list of recommended high quality balloons.

Gemar must be there
by: Anonymous

Gemar is an italian brand and the quality is awesome!

Re: Sempertex
by: Margit


Thanks for stopping by! Yes, of course, how could I forget Sempertex?

Thanks so much for reminding me.

I've added Sempertex to my list of recommended balloon brands.

Best Quality Balloons
by: Anonymous

I agree on those companies u mentioned before, but let me recommend a balloon brand called sempertex. They have the best quality of all the brands, huge range of colors and reference and very innovative. i love the new colors and reference they are launching, you should check them out.

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