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Tell me how to make a bowling pin sculpture

Bowling Pin Sculpture [Source:]

Bowling Pin Sculpture [Source:]

Can someone tell me the number of balloons to use for each balloon row to create a bowling pin? Thanks.


You are talking about a bowling pin sculpture made out of round latex balloons, right?

When you do an image search for "bowling pin balloon" at Google or Bing, you'll see examples made with 4 to 6 balloons per row. I've uploaded one above.

I think the ones with 5 or 6 balloons look nicer than the sculptures who use only 4 balloons per row.

All of them use balloons of different sizes to form the bowling pin shape nicely.

Hope that helps,

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I made a bowling pin
by: Anonymous

For this bowling pin, the stand is at least 7 feet tall. I believe top is 11 or 12" balloons, (under inflated), the red and white in the middle are probably 5-7 inch balloons, and the lower ones are prob 16-18" under inflated.

I only had a 5’ stand. I used five balloons per row and had to use 5" and 11" balloons, (only 5" above the red). Hope this helps.

Answer to Decorate2celebrate
by: Margit

You had asked for sizes and supplies list. Well, I haven't done this sculpture myself, nor could I find a video or other instructions.

But looking at the example image I uploaded, we can see that the sculpture has...

13 rows of white balloons; each row consisting of 4 to 6 balloons,

2 rows of red balloons; each row most likely consisting of 5 balloons.

Balloon sizes seem to be either 9 inch or 5 inch, but inflated to different sizes. The balloon at the very top looks like an 11 inch balloon.

This should give you an idea about how many balloons you need and in which size.

Then you'll also need a balloon base and stand. We have instructions how to make a balloon column stand here.

Hope that helps!

Does anyone have a recipe for the bowling pin NEW
by: Decorate2celebrate

Please give sizes and supplies list

Thank you

bowling pin sculpture NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your comments and your recommendation of the google and bing sites. I guess I was also trying to find out, what size balloons for each column. I do agree, that the 5 balloon clusters look much better

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