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How do I hang balloons upside down in clusters at my reception?

by Cassy McDonald

I want my recepetion ceiling to look like the picture I have attached. How do I do that??


Hi Cassie,

Beautiful picture! And quite an unusual way to decorate the reception hall with balloons.

From the photo it seems that you simply need to blow up various sizes of white and clear latex balloons and attach them to a fishing (also called monofilament) line in various, irregular intervals.

Creating the clusters or strings of balloons should be relatively easy.

The question is how to attach them to the ceiling. The best solution would be to span several lines of wire across the ceiling and then attach the balloon clusters to it.

If the ceiling has metal frames or structures, you could use the so-called Clik-Clik magnetic ceiling hanging systems.

But as you'll need to hang so many clusters to achieve the effect seen in the picture, this could become quite expensive.

Hope that helps,

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Ballown Ceiling NEW
by: Anonymous

I read that placing a marble in the bottom balloon will create the upside down effect.

what is a 3 upside down balloon bouquets (chandelier) ? NEW
by: Ann Robertson

what is a 3 upside down balloon bouquets (chandelier) ?

by: Anonymous

You could use helium in the first two balloons if weight were an issue. Also consider using Super or Ultra Hi-Float to keep balloons up for several days if you need to decorate early. Just wondering if tape attached to the first balloon would hold it in place????? I might be an issue to get off if the ceilings were really high. We have high ceilings at work and use tape on the latex balloons to send them up to fish for the ones that have gotten away.

something to think about....
by: Anonymous

If you do use helium for the first balloon in the strand of balloons use super hi-float to keep them up for at least a day ( could be up to 3 days) if the facility allows. Helium alone will only keep the balloon up for 1 day. Also you could fill the first two balloons up with helium if weight was an issue. Yes, the balloons would move if there was a draft or strong wind.

Good idea
by: Margit

Yep, good idea. Filling the largest balloon with helium and the smaller ones with air could work well. Just be aware that the balloon clusters won't be static, they will move along the ceiling, depending on how much air flow there is in the room.

Upside down balloon bouquet
by: Anonymous

What about filling the largest balloon with helium and tying the rest of the bouquet to it. The other balloons in the bouquet would be filled with regular air do they would drop down as desired. I would think if the heliumed balloon was large enough it could hold the whole bunch up to the ceiling.

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