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How can I make a balloon drop for a wedding and is there a way of releasing them?

by Bessie
(Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom)

How To Create a New Years Balloon Drop

How To Create a New Years Balloon Drop

Am interested to know more about balloon drop and net and how they are released specially at a wedding and birthday parties both indoors and outdoors. Are they helium or air filled balloons?

Is there a coloured book of balloon decorations images that I can buy? I intend to start a balloon business.

How to Make a DIY Balloon Drop for a Wedding or New Years Eve

Hi Bessie,

For a balloon drop you need a balloon drop bag or net, and between 100 and 2000 air filled latex balloons, depending on the size of the net and the size of the balloons. Typically 5 inch or 9 inch balloons are used. The net or bag should come with ceiling clips and a release cord.

Fill the balloons with air, not with helium. You want them to fall down from the ceiling. If you inflate them with helium, they would stay up in the air, creating the effect of a balloon ceiling.

Here's an example of a balloon drop bag, which holds up to 100 balloons, according to the manufacturer. It looks kind of small to me though. The bag is not reusable, and some reviews said that it was difficult to get the inflated balloons into the bag because of the small opening.

For a more professional looking balloon drop net — that also helps to avoid waste, as it's reusable — I would recommend this PMU balloon drop net. You can get it in different sizes, from holding 125 to 2000 9 inch balloons. Talk about a large balloon drop!

How do you make a balloon drop bag?

Are you a DIY person and would like to make the balloon drop bag yourself? You can! And you only need a thin plastic table cloth, scissors and curling ribbon.

This short video shows how to do it step-by-step:

How many balloons do you need for a balloon drop?

Let's say you have a balloon drop bag with certain dimensions and want to know how many balloons you need to fill it.

I did an example calculation for how to calculate the number of balloons for a large balloon drop in a reply to another BloonsUp reader.

Regarding your question about a coloured book of balloon decorations…

Resources for Starting a Balloon Business

Depending on what you are looking for and how much you want to invest, you could try one of the options below:

You'll find more balloon business resources here.

Hope that helps,


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Balloon release
by: Jan van Poortvliet

A balloon drop is balloons falling down from the ceiling. This is usually done with a net construction. Balloons are filled with air or nitro. When you fill balloons with helium they go up and will not fall from the ceiling.

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