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Balloon business insurance?

Where can i get Balloon business insurance?
I just cant find any anywhere, i need it to cover me for everything, i know about nabas but dont fancy that as they will insure me but not cover me for public liabilty insurance.
I need to be covered for everything please help!?!?!?

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New... Balloon & Party Industry Alliance

BAPIA is the new Balloon & Party Industry Alliance that offers fantastic insurance cover along with many other benefits for as little as £160 per year!
For further information and details visit

Hope this helps?

Kind regards

Jihn Bowler

Liability insurance for balloon business
by: Margit

Recommended for balloon decorators on is a company called "Bomba Insurance". They offer a policy especially for homebased balloon decorators. They are based in California, but cover a whole bunch of states in the US. You'll find more details on their site:

Another recommendation was "State Farm Insurance". Their policy covers equipment (owned or leased), products, products during transportation, inventory, signs, money at the site of the business, liability, and more.You can check out their solutions for Business Owners here:

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