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where can i buy shaped frames i.e heart, doubble heart?

by Isobel Howard
(United Kingdom)

Can anyone tell me where to buy doubble heart shaped frame and any other shaped frames wholesale in the UK?

I have been trying to buy walkthrough heart but can only find in USA. Postage too much, can't find in UK. Can you help?

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Where to buy Balloon Heart Frames
by: Anonymous

Balloon Wholesalers in the UK
by: Margit

Hi Isobel,

Unfortunately I don't know any wholesaler in the UK who sells heart and other balloon frames. Apart from doing a Google search, your best bet could be to go through the list of wholesalers provided at Nabas:

NABAS is the only independent trade association for the party and promotional balloon industry in the UK. When searching their members, you can specifically search for balloon manufacturers and wholesalers.

Good luck for your search. It would be great if you let us know whether you found a good wholesaler in the UK.


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