What is the shelf life on latex balloon and mylar balloons?

by Diana325

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I am planning a party and was wondering if I can purchase balloons 6 months before I even use them?

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Keeping Balloons Useable Longer
by: Bubbles the Clown

Some artists keep their balloons in a refrigerator or freezer to keep them from deteriorating. I usually keep my in a cool basement. Doing this I have had balloons keep up to five years and still be OK.
I would not normally keep them this long, but have inadvertantly had this happen. I have also had some that were five years old which had deteriorated badly and were basically unusable.
I don't think I've ever had any that were kept cool for several years which deteriorated to the point where much breakage occured.
I've also had balloons deteriorate badly in several months if keep in a hot environment or exposed to much sunlight.
Cool and dry is best to achieve longest life and useability.

by: Fawkes

The best way I have found is to store your balloons in a dry air tight container or ziplock storage bag. Keep them in a cool, dry place out of the sun light.

I keep my balloons in a rubbermaid container and store them in the basement area. For me they have lasted for good few years without issue.

You can tell by feel if they have got old. The only way I can describe it is they start to feel stiff.

Like AZ Balloon Artist, I have no idea how long they may last, but as I experienced for my storage method, they have lasted for a long while.

One year for latex stored in cool dry place
by: AZ Balloon Artist

Foils can last a very long time and I can not answer how long because I have not had one go bad on the shelf. Latex balloons will start to degrade and are said to have a shelf life of one year. However, I know artists that have kept there balloons longer and been ok. You just need to understand that many of them will not be good and if you are using helium, an old bag of balloons can cost you a bunch of money.

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