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Simpsonville, Joy Set Entertainment

by Carl Woody
(Greenville, SC)

Beautiful decor for almost any occasion

Beautiful decor for almost any occasion

Contact: Paula Woody
Phone: (864) 299 - 1949
We provide beautiful balloon decor for weddings, corporate events, banquets, balloon deliveries in Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson, SC

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VIP meeting Dec. 21st NEW
by: Kay from Clinton

To Carl Woody: My email
Will be out of town Sun., but will try to call Sun. morn around 9 o'clock or 9:30. Do you need directions to Family Life Center which is right at the church? We have a sound system in FLC. Morris, our Minister of music handles the sound system. We have microphones on stands, the ones that fit on head or on lapel. Or are you bringing own sound system? I also need to know who we make the check out too. Your name or ?. Will there be just you or any others with you? Folks start gathering around 11:30 & we eat at 11:45. Around 12:30, we have devotions & a short business meeting, and then you would entertain. If I miss you Sunday morn., we can use the internet. You will be the 2nd person that I have had to reach by internet. I perfur the phone,but this works also.Looking forward to meeting you. Kay

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