Starting soon: My FREE Course Balloon Decor Pricing Made Easy. Save your spot now!
by Charisse
(Staten Island, NY, USA)
What would you charge for this centerpiece? I just started in this business and dont know what is a good price. Also ... are there any decorating classes in Staten Island NY??
Hi Charisse,
Congrats on becoming a balloon decorator! Lovely centerpiece, by the way.
According to discussing specific prices publicly is against the law, as it's considered as "price fixing".
However, you can talk about pricing methods.
And I have indeed a few good resources about balloon decor pricing for you:
1) My free video tutorial How to Price Your Balloon Decor.
2) My paid eCourse How to Start Your Balloon Decorating Business.
It contains lessons about all aspects of starting and running a balloon business, including market research, legal and tax considerations, promoting your business and of course, pricing.
3) The Qualatex Balloon Network (QBN) Training Kits.
The first DVD "QBN Balloon Basics Kit #27731" teaches the basics of balloon decorating and gives advice on "pricing for profits."
If you go through all three training units and take the tests, you can display the "Certified Balloon Artist" (CBA) logo on your web site or marketing brochures.
On the Qualatex Website you can also find a list of events and balloon decorating training classes.