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Prices for a wedding table decoration

by Frances

I charge £4.50 for a 3 balloon table decoration but I have been asked to do 8x3 balloon bouquets and 20x2 balloon bouquets.

What would be the best price to charge for the smaller one as this is the first wedding decoration that i will be charging for?

Thank you for your help,
Frances Wraight

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Balloon Decor Pricing
by: Margit

Hi Frances,

According to discussing prices publicly is against the law, as it's considered as "price fixing". But it's ok to discuss the rules or formulas how to calculate the prices for your designs. In my eCourse How to Start Your Own Balloon Decorating Business", I explain two different methods for determining your prices.

One is a proper calculation, where you take direct costs, business overhead and profit margin into account.

The other is a simple estimate, where you add up all your direct costs, and charge 2.5 times of your direct costs. Direct costs are all materials and labor needed to complete the job.

I hope that helps a bit in determining what you should charge for the smaller balloon bouquets. Best of luck with your first wedding decoration! How exciting!


P.S.: I would love to see some example photos of your first wedding balloon decoration!

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