Answer to: Helium filled latex balloons at high altitudeNEW by: Margit
Hello there!
Thanks for sharing your experience.
It's great to hear that your helium filled balloons last for up to 10 days after treating them with Hi-Float.
Helium filled latex balloons at high altitudeNEW by: Anonymous
Helium filled latex balloons at high altitude......
I fully inflate the 12 inch latex balloons that have had high float added and rub it all around inside of the balloon.I use the purple amount adjuster on the high float bottle .They last for 3 to 10 days
Interesting Results by: Margit
Hi Beth,
Interesting that the balloon with a helium / air mixture would stay up longer than the one filled only with helium.
I guess the reason is that helium escapes the balloon quicker than air.
Thanks for sharing,
Inflating balloons with helium by: Beth
Hi again.
I tried Hi float in the 14 inch balloons and filledone with all helium and one with air and helium( 4.5 inch diameter with air and then up the the 9 inches diameter with helium)
The one with Hi float and helium lasted 30 hours . The one with Hi float and the air and helium mixture lated 60 hours.
Tips for Balloon Decorating as a Career by: Margit
Hi Beth,
Thanks for explaining why you underinflated the 12" balloons. Makes a lot of sense now.
I am surprised that your tutor told you to inflate 11" balloons to 9" only. I would only do this if I used the balloons outdoors or in an environment that gets a lot warmer over time.
The course is focused on helping you decide if balloon decorating is the right career path for you, and if you do go with it, how to turn it into a profitable business.
I wish you all the best for your future, personally and professionally. Please keep us posted and perhaps share some photos from your daughter's wedding?
Inflating balloons with helium by: Anonymous
I had been given quite a number of 14" balloons and as I have only used 11" balloons before, and I know helium is in short supply and becoming more expensive then, I thought I would see if it would work or not! I am going to try again but using some Hi Float and see what happens!
I went on a ballon course in England and we used 11" balloons but the tutor told us only to inflate them to 9".
I am only just starting to do balloon decor and am naturaly conscious of keeping costs down. I can only use the disposable canisters of helium at the moment, as I am working from home.
My daughter gets married in August and I plan to do the balloon decor for her, so I want to experiment now - before the 'Big Day'!
I would be glad of any tips or suggestions as I would like to try balloon decorating as a career! Thanks Beth
Underinflating Balloons with Helium by: Margit
Hi Beth,
Thanks for sharing your experience with underinflating a 14 inch balloon. Interesting to hear that the balloon did float, albeit a shorter time than if it was fully inflated.
A fully inflated 14" balloon should stay up for 24 to 36 hours.
Just curious... did you have a specific reason to use 14" ballons and inflate them to 9" only?
All the best,
inflating balloons by: Anonymous
I did inflate the 14 " balloon to just 9 inches with helium and it stayed afloat for 7 hours.
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