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how to decorate a pillar with balloons

I am doing the balloon decorations for a wedding hall for someone and there are two pillars in the function room. They would like balloons wrapped around the two pillars. I was thinking of using 5" balloons in a spiral on fishing wire, then just wrap that around the pillars.
What do you think? Is there an easier way to decorate two pillars for a wedding??

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Wrapping a Pillar with Balloons
by: Margit

Using a spiral balloon garland is one of the classic methods to wrap a pillar with balloons. Depending on the diameter of the pillar you could either use 5" or 9" balloons. Another option would be to use garlands made of link-o-loons. If you have some experience with balloon twisting, you could also wrap long twisting balloons like 260's, 350's round the pillar. You'll find more ideas about wrapping pillars with balloons at the BalloonHQ (scroll down to the bottom of the article).

I hope that helps,


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