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how to create a "hot air balloon" shape with regular balloons to decorate a wall?

I'm looking into creating a flat wall decoration with regular balloons in the shape of a large hot air balloon. I'm thinking using some kind of net ot tulle to secure the balloons on the shape but I'm not sure if it will work. Any ideas?


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Flat Hot Air Balloon Sculpture
by: Margit

Hi Adriana,

To create this type of balloon sculpure you will need some kind of frame where you can attach your balloons to. I don't think that a net or tulle would keep the balloons in a nice shape. But I am afraid I also can't give you instructions how to do it.

Your best bet would be to use the so-called "Rouse Matrix System". This is an expandable, light weight framework to hold balloons together. The Rouse Matrix comes in lots of shapes including hearts, stars, and rounds as well as banner pieces which can either be joined together to create backdrops or can even be cut to your choice of specific shapes. For more information please go to Rouse International.

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