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How do you make a 3ft balloon stuffed with ball balloons float

Hi i am doing a wedding display for a friend and have been asked to make 2x 3ft balloons stuffed with small ball balloons.

I have tried a smaller version with helium but it is too heavy to float.

Please could you tell me how to make it float.

Many thanks,

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Lifting capability of 3ft helium balloons
by: Margit

Hi Sue,

On I found the following information regarding 3ft balloons:

* A 3ft balloon inflated to 30" uses 8 cu ft of helium. It haas a 6.5oz (184g) lift ability & will float for 3 - 4 days.
* A 3ft balloon inflated to 34" uses 15 cu ft of helium. It has a 12 oz (340g) lift ability & will float for 3 - 5 days.

I am not sure what you mean with "ball balloons." But it seems that the balloons you are stuffing into the 3ft balloon are too heavy for keeping it afloat. I see two possible solutions...

* you either have to inflate the ball balloons with helium as well,
* or you'll have to reduce the number of ball balloons to stay below the maximum lifting weight of the 3ft balloon.

Hope that helps,


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