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How do I put a price on balloon columns, arches and bouquets

by Jeff
(Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England)

I am just starting out in the balloon decorating business and would like to know how to put a price on things.


Hi Jeff,

Welcome to the world of balloon professionals :-)

For a beginner, this is one of the most difficult tasks in balloon decorating: calculating the "right" price for your design.

There are two ways to do this. One is a proper calculation, taking into account direct costs, business overhead and profit margin.

The other one is a rough estimate, where you simply add up all your direct costs, and charge 2,5 times of your direct costs.

The simple pricing method looks like this:
Direct Costs x 2,5 = Selling Price
Example: $100 x 2,5 = $250 Selling Price
whereby Direct Costs = All materials and labor needed to complete the job

In my eCourse "How to Start Your Own Balloon Decorating Business - 7 Easy Lessons to Success", you will also find an example for the more advanced calculation, as well as tips on marketing, legal aspects, what materials and tools you need, how to build and use your most important sales instrument and much more.

Check out some course reviews of former participants - this might help you in your decision whether the course is right for you.

Wishing you all the best for your balloon business.


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Pricing for the ballon professional
by: Anonymous

Buy the Balloon Calculator. Best balloon software on the marker. Google it !

profit margin?
by: Anonymous

multiplying by 2.5 will give you a 150% profit margin?

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