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How can I create myself a foil balloon

I want to create a foil ballon and inflate it with helium, but I don't know how to stick the edges of the balloon. I don't know how to actually explain this to you. I need to stick the edges so I can create a shape and fill the balloon with helium. Can you please give me ideas for ways of sticking it?


Hi there!

If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to modify the shape of a foil balloon by bending the edges and making them stick to the rest of the balloon.

So, in other words, you need a glue or adhesive that works with mylar (foil) balloons.

You have a couple of options. One would be "Glue Dots." That's a type of adhesive often used for crafts, and recommended by balloon professionals. They work with latex and foil balloons.

In your case, I would go with strong, permanent glue dots.

Another similar option would be glue dashes, like these UGlu Dashes by Oasis.

Finally, there's the Clik-Clik Stretchy Balloon Tape. You can find a distributor at the Clik-Clik website.

Best of luck with creating your customized foil balloon!


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Using a Heat Sealer
by: Margit

Hi Cheri,

That's a great idea. I think this could work well. I imagine you'd have to create the shape before inflating the balloon.

You should also use a proper heat sealer, like this PrimeTrendz Hand Impulse Sealer, and not try to do it with a flat iron or other kind of iron.

Here's a good video that shows how heat sealers are used to seal the necks of small foil balloons.

Foil balloons
by: Cheri

What about using a heat sealer?

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