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How can a write I message on a latex balloon to be shipped and reinflated?

by Gail

I wanted to write a message on a balloon, deflate it and then ship it for someone to blow up and read the message.

The problem is I have tried paint markers /sharpies/ gel pens and everything has rubbed off or bubbled up when I deflated it.

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by: jackie

Do you need to use Latex how about putting your message on a Plain Foil Balloon, then deflate by pushing a straw into the valve. Once shipped, it can be re inflated.

Hope this helps

Why not?
by: Anonymous

Why is it a no no?

Writing on latex
by: Mike

Hi, writing on latex is pretty much of a no-no! If it's doing something decorative eg smiley face then it's possible but to write a message I would advise against it. I've been in the business for 23 years and it's really not a good idea. Not sure about deflating and then reinflating but if you're still keen on trying use only Posca pens (or similar).

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