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Homemade Base for the Columns-Questions

by Stephanie Edmonds
(Columbus, Ohio USA)

I want to find out if I can reuse the homemade base for the columns. Let's say for example I made a column that was 4 ft tall for a party and the next party I needed 6 ft. Could I take the 4 ft pipe out and put in a 6 ft pipe?

Also what do you suggest as a base for an airfilled balloon arch (Indoors)? Could I use the homemade base? If so what height would you recommend for the PVC. If you wouldn't suggest using this type of base, what would you recommend?

Thank you,

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Questions about Bases for Columns and Arches
by: Margit

Hi Stephanie,

You asked: Let's say for example I made a column that was 4 ft tall for a party and the next party I needed 6 ft. Could I take the 4 ft pipe out and put in a 6 ft pipe?

Sure you can. As we explain on our page about how to make a column base, the conduit needs to be threaded in order to screw him into the flange. This way, you can easily exchange the conduits according to the column hight you need.

Regarding your question about what base to use for an air filled balloon arch (indoors): yes, you can definitely use the home made plywood column base for an arch as well. For an outdoor arch I would recommend a heavier base, made of materials like steel plates or cement blocks.

There is an easy formula to calculate the height and length of your balloon arch. For an airfilled clustered balloon arch I would recommend to go with the formula pictured in fig. 2, which produces an arch that has the same height and width: (1.5 x height) + width = approximate total length of your conduit or PVC.

Hope that helps,


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