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Help with Sweet 16

by Ang
(Valley Stream , NY USA)

How do you make a heart balloon arch & how can I make it look like cinderella's coach?
Thanks, Ang

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Balloon Heart Arch & Cinderella Theme
by: Margit

Some ideas:
A) Walk Through Heart Arch
Please see my answers to other questions related to heart shaped decorations / frames. For a walk through arch you should consider using stronger rod for the frame than for a hanging decoration. And you will need two sturdy bases, where the ends of the heart frame can be attached to.
Instructions on making your own bases can be found here:

2) Cinderella Theme
I would suggest to do an image search at Google to get you inspired. I found quite a nice example for a Cinderella themed canpopy on this site:

They also show good examples for walk through hearts.

Good luck with your "Sweet 16" decoration!

heart balloon arch
by: Anonymous

Get some education on balloon decor and learn how to build frame work, both of these are very hard to do if you have no clue as to what and how to do them, no amount of posting here will help you with that.

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