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Helium Filled Balloons with Collar Won't Float

by Glenda

Will an 11 inch balloon with collar float? [Image source: Qualatex Video]

Will an 11 inch balloon with collar float? [Image source: Qualatex Video]

My 12 inch balloons filled with helium and 5 inch 4 quad collar won't float. Can you tell me why?


Hi Glenda,

An 11 or 12 inch balloon filled with helium doesn't have enough lifting capacity to float with a collar made of four 5 inch balloons, even if you fill the 5 inch balloons with helium.

You have two options to resolve the no floating problem. Either use at least a 16 inch balloon for your helium filled main balloon, or create the collar with just two 5 inch balloons, inflated to only 3 inch and split in half.

The last example in the Qualatex tutorial video about "How to Make Balloon Collars," starting at 3:41, demonstrates the split technique.

In addition, make sure to use helium quality balloons, so that the helium doesn't leak out too quickly.

Other factors influencing the floating capability of helium are air pressure (the higher up above see level you live, the lower the air pressure gets, the less efficient helium is) and air temperature. If it's very cold in the room where you blow up your balloons, they might not float.

Hope that helps,


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Hydrogen NEW
by: Benjamin

Why don’t you try hydrogen instead of Helium? Helium has higher density and if there is any possible leak and balloon will not flow. The temperature of Helium is high when compared to Hydrogen. You may need to check the leakage problem first.

Only use 16 inch or larger for stuffed balloons NEW
by: Malicia

A 12" balloon does not have the capacity to float with smaller balloons inside. You can find out more if you are a member of Qualatex in the instruction sheets and on the Balloon Bouquets DVD.

thanks NEW
by: glenda

Thanks margrit for your respose. Yes I did put helium in the 5in. Balloons. They did state when I bought them that they wouldn't float. The 12in. Does say helium quality. I saw a picture of what I want to do but I'm not to good with uploading, it was about 7 helium filled balloons with small collars and It had swags connecting them to each other I'm assuming those were 160's.

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