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Do I need to hi float the inner latex balloon with a deco bubble to last?

by Jak

I need to inflate deco bubbles stuffed with a latex balloon the day before the event. Will i need to hi float the latex balloon?

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Reply to Sonia
by: Margit

Hi Sonia,

No, unfortunately you cannot use Hi-Float with a deco bubble balloon.

Please see my reply to this question about using glitter confetti inside a deco bubble.

Confetis on Bubble balloon
by: sonia

Could I use hi-float on a Bubble balloon to Fix the confettis or the glitter all over inside the balloon?
Dose the Bubble will loose the cristal and shinnig effect ?

confetti on quadralex balloon
by: Anonymous


How can I make the confetti stick to the inner wall of the quadralex balloon?


Qualatex Deco Bubbles
by: Margit

Hi Jak,

You are referring to the "Deco Bubbles" produced by Qualatex, right? They are made of a special, sturdy material, which resists popping. Some describe them as a mix of Mylar balloon and beach ball.

Because of their special material, they last much longer than regular latex balloons and seal the helium inside more completely. That's why I think it's not necessary to hi-float the inner latex balloon, even if you are setting up the decoration the day before the event.

Qualatex has a nice video to demonstrate their various bubble balloon products. I've linked to the part where they show how to create a deco bubble, helium filled and with a latex balloon inside.

Hope that helps,

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