Can i inflate (air) balloons the night before the event?

by happy1stbirthday
(orlando, fl)

I would like to make a balloon arch for my son's first birthday party in the park outdoors, and was wondering if its OK to start inflating (air balloons) the night before to save time.


Hi there,

Yes, you can inflate latex balloons with air the night before the event. I suggest you put the inflated balloons in a plastic bag, that closes tightly over the balloons, to prevent them from oxidizing. Large trash bags or mattress bags will do the job just fine.

Tip: I've answered a similar question before on my FAQ page. You can use the search bar on top of my pages or on this dedicated site search page to get answers to your questions faster!

Have fun with your son's 1st Birthday Party.


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Reply to Anonymous
by: Margit

Hi there,

Thanks for sharing your concern about storing latex balloons in trash bags.

Are you referring to helium inflated balloons with your comment? Because you're right that helium balloons shouldn't be stored in a trash or any other bags. They should be inflated on the day of the event.

However, for air-filled balloons, many balloon professionals use large plastic bags to store and transport them.

At for example they mention drum liners, mattress bags, Christmas tree bags or specialized balloon bags for storage and transport of latex balloons.

by: Anonymous

Latex balloons stay up to full capacity for only 8 hours. High float will help latex stay up to 24 hours. NEVER put latex in a trash bag!! They are both petroleum products and will cause early deflation. There are special bags with ventilation holes made just for balloons, but never keep balloons in any bag for over 1 hour.

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