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5inch Balloons for "Balloon Babies"

by April
(Dearborn, MI)

I use 2 5" balloons tied together to make "babies". In the bottom 5" balloon I add cat litter for weight so the babies will stand up.

My problem-- the bottom balloon which has the cat litter deflates in under 24 hours. I cannot figure out why.

I have an order for 100 of these at the end of month and need help solving why the air goes out so rapidly. Please help.

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Filling for Balloon Babies
by: Margit

Hi April,

Well, I wouldn't call it disgusting to use (fresh) cat litter, but I agree that the cat litter causes the problem. I am not sure but I could imagine that there is some sort of substance in the cat litter that doesn't go well with latex and causes the balloon to deflate. Tearing could be a problem as well.

As said in the other comment, using play sand or water should solve the problem.


Cat LItter!
by: Anonymous

That is disgusting- what if your customer sees that you are using cat litter ?! Use play sand that you can buy at Toys R Us, or just use a water balloon. The cat litter is probably tearing the latex.

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