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Why does my postal deco bubble keep popping?

by LAmour Balloons

Deco bubble popped after delivery

Deco bubble popped after delivery

Hi there

Whenever I make a deco bubble filled with feathers and a few balloons for postal orders they have popped by the time they reach the customer which is the next day.

I dont know what I'm doing wrong. The 5 inch balloons inside also look smaller and if you look closely the deco bubble is split from the seam at the top. I feel like maybe the helium escaped from the smaller balloons and went in the bubble causing it to expand and pop?

But I am not doing anything differently than I normally would -- so why is it happening?

Please help.




I am sorry to hear about the problem with the deco bubbles popping.

This is rather unusual as deco bubbles are much harder to pop than latex balloons, because of their stretchy, sturdy material.

How often has this happened so far? Could it be that the batch of bubble balloons you purchased was faulty? The fact that the balloon split at the seam seems to indicate a quality issue.

The only other reason I could think of is that the balloon is damaged during transport. The package may be tossed around badly and cause the balloon surface to rub against the carton?

On their page about bubble balloons, Qualatex lists these inflation tips for deco bubbles - perhaps one of these tips gives a hint of what could have gone wrrong?

1. Once the package is opened, Bubbles must be inflated immediately or they’ll dry out.

2. Do not use an automatic shut-off regulator or regular air inflator; they do not have enough power to inflate a Qualatex Bubble Balloon wrinkle-free.

3. When inflating Deco Bubbles, NEVER leave ANY wrinkles on the seam. Although the balloon will seem tight, continue inflating and stop just as the wrinkles disappear, leaving a perfectly smooth seam.

Hope this helps!


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Reply to: Mini balloons keep popping
by: Margit

Hi there!

Sorry to hear that the mini balloons inside the deco bubbles keep popping.

You mentioned a mix of gases. On the Qualatex page about deco bubbles they stress that...

"When using helium, inflate the Deco Bubble as well as ALL balloons inside the Deco Bubble with helium. When using air, inflate ALL balloons with air."

So always use the same gas for both the mini balloons and the bubble balloon.

The only other reason I could think of would be a significant change in temperature, causing the latex balloons inside the bubble to expand and pop.

Hope that helps!

Mini balloons keep popping
by: Anonymous

Mini balloons inside the deco bubbles keep expanding and popping inside. Is there any reason for this or is this due to a mixture of gases?

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