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Where can I buy the tall poles for balloon towers?

by nik


I am after the tall poles for balloon towers. I have only come across Lomey products that just go up to 31 inch, but I need taller ones.

Any ideas anybody ??

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Poles Plexipoles
by: Jane

These poles come in all sizes up to 6 ft. Also have extenders.

Check out the website for more information:

Poles for Balloon Towers
by: Margit

Hi Nik,

I assume you mean the acrylic tubes used for balloon topiaries or centerpieces? We have a few tips and resources at this page about balloon topiary centerpieces.

Tip: To get your question answered faster, always search my site first. Chances are that a similar question has been asked and answered before.

All the best,

by: Anonymous

Yes, you can buy the poles to make your balloon towers, but they're so expensive. I have pasted the website below.

You can make your own, which will be much cheaper. Just browse on the internet.

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