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Personalised Balloons

Hi, I have been asked for a small quantity of personalised balloons to add to a customer's Balloon decor. Would really like to be able to do this from home on my own pc, i.e Happy Birthday Leoni etc.

Can you tell me what materials I need to offer this service please?

Sellers are doing this from home on ebay, but do not know how they are doing this.

Had placed an order before from seller which did not arrive in time.

Hope you can help me with this.


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Balloon Printing
by: Margit

Hi Jackie,

With personalized balloons you mean printed latex balloons, right? Most balloon printing services nowadays use a method called "silk screening."

To do this yourself, you'd have to buy a balloon printing machine. There are various types available, from manually operated to fully automated machines. However, this would require quite an investment from your side. Prices for those machines start at about 2,000+ US$.

Here's an example of a manually operated balloon printing machine.

The Medkeff-Nye Company offers a range of manual and semi-automatic balloon printers. Their Millenium 2000 Series is designed for smaller companies who want to tap into the balloon printing business. You'd have to contact them for prices.

I don't know of any other, cheaper way to produce printed personalized balloons.

All the best,

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