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Making a false ceiling to hold helium balloons

by Hildi

4 hanging ceiling lights in reception hall. Can I attach tulle or similar material to the 4 corners of the lights and let helium balloons float UNDER the tulle? I thought maybe I could attach a piece of double sided tape to top of perimeter ballons to sort of keep them corraled.

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False Ceiling with Balloons and Tulle
by: Margit

Hi Hildi,

I see now what you have in mind. Yes, I think you could use tulle or similar fabric to create a false ceiling beneath the hanging lights in the reception hall. I am not sure about using double sided tape on the balloons to keep them in place. It might cause them to burst. I suggest you test it first on a few balloons and see if it works. As an alternative solution, you could perhaps create some sort of border with the tulle to hinder the balloons from drifting away.

If you do an image search on Google for "false ceiling tulle" you'll get some inspirations for your decoration.

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