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How to make a round-balloon wall using three colors to form a diamond pattern

by Cathy

I'm volunteering to help on the end of the year party decorations for our elementary school. I've seen videos on wall building using non-round balloons but the brick effect does not suit our theme. Thanks in advance for your help!

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Balloon Walls
by: Margit

Hi Cathy,

I haven't done a balloon wall with round balloons myself, so can't really speak from experience. I found a comprehensive explanation how to make a balloon wall at Sue Bowler's blog. The article describes three types for creating balloon walls with round balloons:

* Duplet Square Pack
* Alternate Size Square Garland Pack
* Traditional 4-Balloon Garland Pack

Sorry that I can't be of more help.

Good luck with your design. After the celebration, I would love to see a photo of your balloon decoration (it does not have to be from a wedding, pictures from birthday parties or other events are welcome too).


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