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How do I make balloon buntings?

by Cindy R.

I would like to create balloon buntings to decorate the ceiling for my kids birthday party. I'm not sure what type of string to use. Can I use masking tape to tape the top of the balloons to the string? How should I hang the string? From the ceiling or side walls? Your help would be much appreciated.

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Balloon Buntings or Balloon Balls
by: Margit

Hi Cindy,

I am not quite sure what you mean with "balloon buntings". If you could post an image of what you have in mind that would be very helpful.

I assume you mean a decor that is commonly known as "balloon ball". They are made of three balloon clusters where each cluster has four balloons. Inflate the balloons with air and tie curling ribbons to their necks. Build clusters of 4 balloons with them as described on our balloon column page.

Then you need to put the three clusters of four balloons tightly together to achieve the ball shape. Use one or two of the curling ribbons to attach the ball to the ceiling. I wouldn't hang the ball from side walls. Curl the other ribbons to get the "tail" effect as seen on this picture of a completed balloon ball.

And as always, we would love to see a photo of your balloon decoration (it does not have to be from a wedding, pictures from birthday parties or other events are welcome too).


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