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Fashion Show Themed, Summer's Past

by Kimberly Little
(Highland, CA)

"Under The Sea" Balloon Waves

This was a Summer Themed Fashion Show where the ladies wanted a "beach theme" or "Under the Sea" Theme for the stage decorations. My phone battery died at the last minute so I wasn't able to capture both sides. I may have some pics from other folks who took pictures, will see if anyone lets me know.

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Under The Sea Theme
by: Margit

I don't have exact instructions, but the two main elements of this Under The Sea decoration are balloon columns, with a sturdy base and the pole bent into the wave-like shape.

On our Balloon Column page you'll find step-by-step instructions for making a balloon column, including the base and frame.

Hope that helps!

someone help....
by: Anonymous

How is this made?

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