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Billiard Balloon Column

by Sandy Miller
(Crystal Michigan)

Billiard Themed Balloon Column

Billiard Themed Balloon Column

Hi, I want to make a Billiard balloon column as shown in the picture, but I'm not sure what size balloons the green balloons are. Also, how many balloons are in a cluster? It looks like more than four.

I haven't made a balloon column before, so any ideas would be helpful.

I found the image on Pinterest when I searched for Billiard themed party. I have a billiard banquet that I'm working on.

I appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you so so much.



Hi Sandy,

Thanks for uploading an image of the design you're trying to make. That helps a lot in answering your questions.

The column looks like they used 11 inch balloons for the bottom layer and 9 inch balloons for the main part of the column.

And you're right that there are more than 4 balloons in one cluster. I think they used 6 balloons for their clusters. The bottom cluster (with the 11 inch balloons) may be only 5 balloons. You'd have to try and see how it looks best.

Hope that helps.


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Reply to: Where to find billiard balloons
by: Margit

It's indeed not easy to find these billiard shaped balloons, especially in a size large enough to use them as column topper.

I found these billiard balloons on Amazon, but they are 11 inch and part of a sports themed party pack.

A better option may be these billiard themed mylar balloons on Zazzle. They are quite expensive though.

Hope that helps!


Where did you find billiards balloons
by: Anonymous

I have looked everywhere for billiards balloons. Where did you find them?

5 and 6 Balloon Clusters
by: Margit

Underinflating the balloons slightly is a good idea, Sandy. Many of the step-by-step instructions I checked do this.

When you tie the balloons together for a 6 balloon cluster, it first looks as if one of the two 3 balloon clusters lays beneath the other one. Only when you add the cluster to the pole, the upper balloons will fall into place among the lower balloons.

Take a look at pictures 5 and 6 on this balloon topiary article.

Sue Bowler from "The Very Best Balloon Blog" has a different technique. This is how she creates a 6 balloon cluster for a column base...

"For the base cluster create 3 x 4" duplets using the double stuffed balloons, and carefully position these at the base of the design. Each duplet is added by positioning a balloon either side of the pole and then the next duplet in the opposite direction so that they lock in position, the final duplet will slide in between the 4-balloon cluster that you have already created."

Here's the full article.

Hope that helps!

Balloon clusters
by: Sandy

Billiard Columns

I tried to do a five balloon cluster but it was hard to get them all to fit in one cluster. So I have not tried a six balloon cluster. Wondered if anyone has any suggestions. Do I not fill them so full with air, or should I use ribbon and not tie them so tight. Thank you for any suggestions anyone might have.

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